Member Statement (7 March 2022)

Member Statement (7 March 2022)

From Hansard (7 March 2022)


TeleMiracle 46 Breaks Records

Mr. Keisig: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This past weekend was a record-breaking weekend in Saskatchewan. TeleMiracle 46 raised $8,002,722, over $8 million, Mr. Speaker. This year also saw TeleMiracle’s largest-ever single donation, a bequest worth 1.8 million.

Mr. Speaker, as you know, for nearly half a century the 20-hour telethon has been raising funds to support Saskatchewan people. It’s not just about raising money for mobility devices, communication aids, and medical trips. It’s about coming together to instill hope. It’s about giving inspiration to so many. It’s about showing people around our province that no matter what card you’re dealt in life, your community is here for you. Your community cares for you.

This record-breaking total from this year’s TeleMiracle wasn’t a miracle, Mr. Speaker. It was a testament to the generosity of Saskatchewan people. I want to thank each and every single individual and group that participated this year. Thank you for organizing, for travelling, for performing, for taking phone calls and pledges. Thank you for calling, for caring, and for supporting the people of this province.

Mr. Speaker, TeleMiracle is a uniquely Saskatchewan event. I’m proud to support it. And I now ask all members to join me in congratulating the Kinsmen TeleMiracle foundation on another successful event.

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