Member Statement (15 March 2022)

Member Statement (15 March 2022)

From Hansard (15 March 2022)


Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Annual Convention

Mr. Keisig: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today is the first day of the 2022 Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities annual convention. This year the convention is being held here in Regina. Last year’s convention was held virtually due to COVID, but most participants are excited to be back in person this year.

SARM was formed in 1905, and they have been working tirelessly since then to make sure both the provincial and federal governments hear the voices of rural municipalities. They are also strong advocates for rural-based industries and are true believers in the value of education.

There are 296 rural municipalities in Saskatchewan, Mr. Speaker, and they are all served by fine citizens like the ones sitting in your gallery. There are many exciting and informative workshops during our convention, Mr. Speaker, but one of the main highlights is the bear-pit session. This format allows elected members of municipalities to pose questions to the Premier and cabinet directly. Bear pit allows the government to feel the pulse of rural Saskatchewan.

I want to thank SARM President Ray Orb and Vice-President Bill Huber and all their staff for orchestrating this year’s SARM convention. I look forward to interacting with many elected officials this week, and I’m sure many of my colleagues do as well. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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