Member Statement (31 March 2022)
New Senior Hockey League in Eastern Saskatchewan
Mr. Keisig: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Another weekend in Saskatchewan, and what to do? Why not head down to the local hockey arena and watch some fantastic senior hockey? In the middle of a pandemic, a group of dedicated volunteers started a new hockey league in Saskatchewan — the Saskatchewan East Hockey League. This brand new league consists of teams from Theodore, Rocanville, Canora, Whitewood, and Ituna. The member from Canora-Pelly, Mr. Speaker, did a great job coaching the Canora Cobras.
Not only have organizers provided all of their communities with countless hours of entertainment at a time, Mr. Speaker, when we truly needed it, but they also encouraged youth to get active and be active members of their community. Senior hockey all across Saskatchewan is a great community-building time. Hockey not only encourages neighbourhood members to take in a game but also provides the opportunity to meet new members of the community, especially since COVID.
I would now like to ask all members to join me in congratulating all those involved in starting a new league and congratulate the Rocanville Tigers on becoming league champions. Thank you for the countless volunteer hours involved in organizing a new Saskatchewan East Hockey League. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
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Constituency Assistant: Tina Knowles
PO Box 928
110 Elgin Street
Balcarres, SK
S0G 0C0
Phone: (306)-334-3444