Introduction of Guests (11 May 2022)
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Students from Kelliher School
Mr. Keisig: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think every member in here remembers their first speech, their first member’s statement. Well today, Mr. Speaker, is my very first school group. Joining us in the west gallery is Kelliher School, and joined by their teacher Mrs. Rachael Goff and educational assistant Bonnie Ivey.
Now Rachael is no stranger to this Chamber, Mr. Speaker. She was just here last week at the Saskatchewan teachers’ institute conference, and Rachael participated in mock debate as the Minister of Agriculture. And she did a really good job in lobbying for all the farmers and talking about all the good of agriculture in this wonderful province.
And before Rachael started working in Kelliher, Mr. Speaker, she taught in Ituna and taught both of my daughters. So she’s a wonderful teacher and very well-respected in all of the communities.
Now along with Mrs. Goff and Ms. Ivey today, Mr. Speaker, is, according to my sheet, there’s somebody called Leslie Knowls. And I’m not really too sure who that is, but I know Jake Knowls very well. Jake and Michelle Knowls are here. They’re great community members, do a lot of work, and they also happen to be my neighbours, Mr. Speaker.
So please, to you and through you, Mr. Speaker, please join me in welcoming Kelliher School to their Legislative Assembly.
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Constituency Assistant: Tina Knowles
PO Box 928
110 Elgin Street
Balcarres, SK
S0G 0C0
Phone: (306)-334-3444