Member Statement (14 November 2022)
From Hansard (14 November 2022)
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Balgonie Rodeo Athlete to Compete in World Championshipe
Mr. Keisig: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Shelby Lockie is a rodeo athlete from Balgonie who will be competing at the Rope for the Crown breakaway roping world championship in Las Vegas, Nevada, on December 3rd.
Mr. Speaker, the Rope for the Crown is one of the most prestigious events in breakaway roping featuring contestants from rodeo associations and roping events across the United States and Canada. Shelby qualified for Rope for the Crown by being the highest point earning ladies breakaway roper in the Kakeyow Cowboys Rodeo Association in 2022. This makes Shelby the only qualifying female roper from Saskatchewan.
Shelby has been a rodeo contestant since grade 6, and earlier this year she graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wyoming where she attended on a rodeo scholarship.
Mr. Speaker, Shelby and her family operate a ranch east of Balgonie. Shelby also started this fall as a communications officer for the government caucus office where she’s been working hard to help us stay connected with our constituents through media.
I would welcome all members of the Legislative Assembly to please join me in congratulating Shelby and wishing her the best of luck in Las Vegas. We look forward to hearing about Shelby’s adventure when she returns. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
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Constituency Assistant: Tina Knowles
PO Box 928
110 Elgin Street
Balcarres, SK
S0G 0C0
Phone: (306)-334-3444