Legislative Report (9 March 2023)

Legislative Report
March 9, 2023

Investing in Programs and Services to Help You

Saskatchewan’s provincial motto is “from many peoples’ strength.” Our province’s strength comes from strong families, communities, businesses and industries. Our government is committed to investing in programs and services that support and build on this strength. Last fall’s Speech from the Throne provided the groundwork for several of these initiatives. Now, with our government back in Regina for the spring sitting of the Legislative Assembly, we are ready to continue moving forward with investments that will continue to build upon our province’s strengths.

Reducing Child Care Fees

We are investing in regulated child care to strengthen families across the province. In a partnership with the federal government, our government announced this week that parent fees for regulated child care will be reduced to $10 per day starting April 1. Saskatchewan is one of the first provinces to achieve this milestone, three years ahead of schedule.

Investing in affordable, inclusive and high-quality child care ensures Saskatchewan children get a strong start in life. In addition, improving child care strengthens families by giving parents the flexibility to build both a family and a career. This investment builds on the Growth Plan commitment to improving childcare and education to meet the needs of our growing province.

Moving Forward with Online K-12 Learning Options

Our government is moving forward on the development of provincially regulated online learning programs. Course options are now available at the new Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation (Sask DLC) website. Over 180 courses will be offered for Kindergarten through Grade 12 students, including more than 120 high school courses. Sask DLC students will be able to access support virtually or at one of ten regional campuses across the province.

The Sask DLC program will strengthen Saskatchewan’s education system by allowing students greater flexibility and new learning opportunities. The development of the program further builds on the Growth Plan commitment to improve childcare and education.

Improving Rural Internet Connectivity

We are also continuing to invest in connectivity for rural communities across Saskatchewan. SaskTel announced the sixth phase of its Rural Fibre Initiative, during which it will be adding infiNET service to 48 communities across the province. The Rural Fibre Initiative is a multi-phase program that will see SaskTel invest $200 million to bring infiNET services to residents and businesses in over 130 rural communities.

This investment is part of our Growth Plan commitment to expand SaskTel’s fibre optic network and have one million broadband access points by 2025. SaskTel’s infiNET services strengthen rural Saskatchewan’s families and businesses by helping them stay connected and access online resources.

Increasing Crop Insurance Coverage Levels

Our government has invested in the Crop Insurance Program to help agricultural producers mitigate risk on their farms. Crop Insurance coverage will reach a record-high $446 per acre on average for 2023. Other highlights for this year’s program include new individual premiums, increased coverage for unseeded acres and increased AgriStability compensation. Crop Insurance helps strengthen our agriculture industry by supporting Saskatchewan producers. It also helps build on the Growth Plan commitment of building a sustainable and resilient agriculture industry.

By investing in programs and services that support the strength of families, communities, businesses and industries, our government is investing in a strong Saskatchewan.  A strong Saskatchewan will have opportunities and prosperity, now and into the future. That’s growth that works for everyone.

Constituency Map

The map of constituency.

MLA Office

Constituency Assistant: Tina Knowles
PO Box 928
110 Elgin Street
Balcarres, SK
S0G 0C0
Phone: (306)-334-3444
Email: mla@traviskeisig.ca