Condolence Motion (29 March 2023)

Condolence Motion (29 March 2023)

From Hansard (29 March 2023)


Passing of Regina MLA Derek Meyers

Mr. Keisig: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I met Derek in 2019. It was a party convention and met him there, and then we really got to know each other on the campaign trail. We took all of the election pre-courses together. And you know, everyone talks about the class of 2020, but it’s a real thing, that 12 of us with our one new addition . . . Well we’re going to count him as a 2020 too. And like we did so much together. Like it was kind of COVID and just, we were all experiencing the same thing and we became very, very close. And it’s so much. It’s like a kid at kindergarten, you know. Those are your friends the rest of your life. And that’s what it really seems like here.

You know, I really, like the member from Melville-Saltcoats . . . Like he knew a guy. He always knew a guy. Like he knew so many guys. So he phones me up one time — and the member from Cannington was there too I remember — and he’s having some stakeholders and wanted some rural MLAs to meet them and everything else. So we go for a wonderful supper at Memories — shockingly — and had a very interesting meeting with these stakeholders. And this one stakeholder started talking about the benefits of carbon taxation and how it’s going to improve the economy and the environment and everything else.

Well Derek just looked at me. And I gave him a little bit of education, Mr. Speaker, and said that I really don’t . . . I discounted a lot of his theories and everything else. And I phoned Derek the next day and I says, you know, I hope I didn’t overstep my bounds and everything else. He’s like, no, no, everything you said was absolutely true; it made sense and everything else. And Derek never invited me for another stakeholder meeting. God, we had so much fun. Yeah.

You should be so proud of your son.

So you’re kind of always on your phone. All of us are far too much. Anyway the last text I sent Derek was the northern lights the other Thursday. And you know, out in the country there’s no light pollution, so anyway they were very nice. It was good.

I really liked that story from that member from across the way . . . [inaudible interjection] . . . Douglas Park. Thank you. Like, I always knew Derek was better than me, and after that story it’s evidence. Like, I just honestly couldn’t see myself being that nice. So you know, well done, Derek.

I texted my wife before we come into the Chamber and I just said, you know, what would you like to say? And, Laurie, Sheila just really wanted you to know that our condolences and everything else . . . And she really described Derek as, there’s no way someone could not like him. Everyone liked him, and that’s just how he was.

So to the family, oh . . . Oh. Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker.

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