Legislative Report (20 April 2023)

Legislative Report
April 20, 2023

Investments in Strong and Growing Communities

The Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) held its annual convention on April 16-19. Premier Scott Moe, Government of Saskatchewan Cabinet Ministers, along with several Government Members of the Legislative Assembly, attended the convention to discuss the 2023-24 Provincial Budget and connect with municipal leaders. Our government greatly values the partnership with SUMA and the province’s urban communities.

Saskatchewan is growing at a rate we haven’t seen in over 100 years. In 2022, the population increased by more than 29,000 people. This growth is supported by our strong economy, which has created over 20,000 new jobs in 2022.  

Our strong economy is fuelled by strong commodity prices and increased private-sector investment. This allows our government to invest in programs and services that make Saskatchewan the best place to live, work and raise a family.

This year’s budget provides $503 million in direct support for Saskatchewan’s growing municipalities, an increase of 12.1 per cent from last year. This includes Municipal Revenue Sharing, which will reach a record $297.9 million this year, up 13.4 per cent from last year’s budget. Municipal Revenue Sharing provides predictable, no-strings-attached funding to use as local leaders see fit as they grow and build strong communities.

A total of $152.7 million will be invested in municipal infrastructure in this year’s budget. This includes the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP), which provides grants for community-based projects. It also consists of the New Building Canada Fund. These grants allow communities to invest in projects that will strengthen and grow Saskatchewan communities for years to come.

Communities across the province will benefit from 21 new infrastructure projects through a joint provincial and federal investment of $42.1 million. The City of Lloydminster will benefit from a new arena and the Town of Balgonie will see a new aquatic centre, which will provide new opportunities for recreation and gathering places. In addition, several rural municipalities will see bridge replacements which will support the transportation systems of these communities. For more information on other investments, visit Saskatchewan.ca.

First Nations and Métis communities across the province will receive targeted funding totaling $249.1 million. A record $92.4 million investment will support Indigenous-led social and economic initiatives. The First Nations and Métis Consultation Participation Fund, which supports communities to engage in consultations related to the duty to consult, will receive continued investment. An additional continued investment of $800,000 will support community-led Indigenous initiatives to address issues raised in Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Additional investments will target Indigenous career training, post-secondary institutions, and initiatives to ensure students have the learning opportunities they need for bright futures. Enhanced support for on-reserve policing will help keep First Nations and Métis communities safe, and funding for the Métis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc. and the Community Justice Alternative Measures Program will also provide valuable community-based supports. Investments in our strong and growing First Nations and Métis communities are investments in a strong Saskatchewan.

Investing in strong and growing communities in our province is growth that works for everyone. To learn more about the 2023-24 Provincial Budget, visit Saskatchewan.ca/budget.

Constituency Map

The map of constituency.

MLA Office

Constituency Assistant: Tina Knowles
PO Box 928
110 Elgin Street
Balcarres, SK
S0G 0C0
Phone: (306)-334-3444
Email: mla@traviskeisig.ca