Member Statement (24 April 2023)

Member Statement (24 April 2023)

From Hansard (24 April 2023)


Small Towns Help Stranded Buses in Winter Storm

Mr. Keisig: — What a storm we had last week. Mother nature is acting like a word I will not use in this Chamber, Mr. Speaker. Last week the weather made for treacherous driving conditions with several school buses facing challenges. On the No. 1 Highway, a bus was involved in an accident. Only the driver was hurt. He’s doing fine, Mr. Speaker, but almost 100 students needed assistance.

The communities of Indian Head and Wolseley stepped up to the plate. They provided food and shelter for all students helped by local businesses. Wolseley principal, Connie Baumgartner, involved local students and went above and beyond to make passengers feel at home.

Another bus travelling on Highway 11 between Saskatoon and Regina went into a skid and pulled into the first town available to wait out the storm. The community they pulled into was Craik. A large bus pulling into a small town attracts attention, Mr. Speaker, and the mayor, Mark Wagner, went to investigate. He contacted the school principal, Charla Edwards. The school was promptly opened for all stranded students. The community came together to look after everyone involved.

There’s a simple saying prevalent across Saskatchewan: be neighbourly. And it was on full display last week. Thank you to all those helping stranded students in a very bad spring storm. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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