Member Statement (18 May 2023)
Springtime on the Prairies
Mr. Keisig: — Springtime on the prairies is a time of renewal. Winter lets go; warmer temperatures bring budding trees, green grass, smiles on faces and in general, a more positive attitude for everyone. Well almost everyone, Mr. Speaker. We heard the member from Nutana say there’s nothing here to be proud of. And the member for Regina University called our economy a dumpster fire.
Well, Mr. Speaker, I’d like to spend our final moments of this session with a bit of toxic positivity. Today in Saskatchewan there are more jobs and opportunities than ever before. We are leading the nation in economic growth, merchandise exports, and urban housing starts. If you are graduating this spring, our grad retention program offers up to $20,000 in tax credits to those who stay in Saskatchewan, a program, by the way, the member for Saskatoon University wants to cancel.
And if you are in the fields right now, we wish you plenty of sun and rain and no carbon tax. Our government will continue standing up for Saskatchewan while the members opposite continue to support the Singh-Trudeau coalition.
To those who are fighting fires and protecting communities, we thank you for all you are doing.
To those we have lost this session, we miss you and think of you often.
So on behalf of our government, we hope everyone has a safe and positive Saskatchewan summer. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
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Constituency Assistant: Tina Knowles
PO Box 928
110 Elgin Street
Balcarres, SK
S0G 0C0
Phone: (306)-334-3444