Member Statement (16 November 2023)
From Hansard (16 November 2023)
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Public Servant Receives Emergency Management Exemplary Service Award
Mr. Keisig: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am pleased to recognize Ray Unrau. Mr. Unrau is a leader in our province who has dedicated his career to making communities safer. Mr. Unrau has spent the last 40 years of his career giving others tools, resources, and supports that reduce the impact of emergencies.
His career began as an EMT [emergency medical technician]. In the ’90s he joined the Saskatoon Fire Department and transferred to the Emergency Management Organization within the city. In 2017 Mr. Unrau brought his expertise to the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency, where he is currently the director of emergency planning and preparedness.
Following an earthquake that left 500,000 residents homeless and caused over 25,000 deaths in Armenia in 1988, Mr. Unrau led a private rescue team in that country. He designed and integrated the city of Saskatoon’s emergency operation centre, and he led Saskatchewan’s first-ever provincial emergency exercise. Mr. Unrau helps communities prepare a clear path forward when they are facing the most chaotic of circumstances.
In September Mr. Unrau was awarded the Emergency Management Exemplary Service Award for Outstanding Contribution to Emergency Management. Please join me in thanking Mr. Unrau for his commitment to emergency management and congratulating him on this very prestigious award. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
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S0G 0C0
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