Legislative Report (28 March 2024)

Legislative Report
March 28, 2024

Record Budget for Education

The 2024-25 provincial budget was introduced on March 20 and includes a record budget of $3.3 billion for the Ministry of Education. This is an increase of 247.8 million or 8.8 per cent over last year to support Prekindergarten through Grade 12 schools, early learning and child care, and libraries.

Saskatchewan’s 27 school divisions will receive the largest-ever increase in school operating funding, totaling $2.2 billion. This is up $180 million or 8.8 per cent over last year’s budget.

The school division operating increase includes $35 million to support enrolment growth for the 2024-25 school year, as our communities across the province continue to experience unprecedented growth.

The budget includes $356.6 million for classroom supports, an increase of $45.6 million or 14.7 per cent, over last year. This includes ongoing funding for the Specialized Support Classroom and Teacher Innovation and Support Fund pilot projects.

School infrastructure continues to be a key priority. In addition to the $3.3 billion for the Ministry of Education is an investment of $216 million for school capital, an increase of $68.7 million or 46.6 per cent over last year.

An investment of $165.9 million will support ongoing projects across the province, including 11 new or consolidated school projects and three major renovations. A further investment of $8.8 million will fund planning for nine new schools and two new school renovations announced in this year’s budget.

The budget provides $12.8 million for minor capital renewal projects which will allow school divisions to address structural repairs and renovations and prolong the life of schools across the province. In addition, the budget commits $28.5 million for relocatable classrooms to help address enrolment growth.

School capital projects ensure our schools continue to meet the needs of Saskatchewan students and families. Since 2008, our government has committed approximately $2.4 billion toward school infrastructure projects, including 60 new schools and 30 major renovation projects with an additional five projects approved through the Minor Capital Renewal Program.

To further support Saskatchewan families, the budget provides $408.7 million for early learning and childcare. This includes an increase of $21.1 million for the Federal-Provincial Child Care Agreements. This funding continues to support child care at $10 per day for children under the age of six, which helps make Saskatchewan one of the most affordable places in Canada to live and raise a family. Our government is also committed to adding more regulated home-based and centre-based child care spaces in the province, creating more jobs for our growing province.

The budget also provides $11.6 million for Saskatchewan’s library system and $1.1 million for funded literacy organizations.

Our government remains committed to investing in students, teachers and classrooms through the 2024-25 Provincial Budget. As I continue to represent you in the Legislature, I welcome your questions or comments. You can reach my constituency office using the Contact link provided on this web page.

Constituency Map

The map of constituency.

MLA Office

Constituency Assistant: Tina Knowles
PO Box 928
110 Elgin Street
Balcarres, SK
S0G 0C0
Phone: (306)-334-3444
Email: mla@traviskeisig.ca