Legislative Report
26 November 2020
COVID-19 Update
Earlier this fall our government received a strong, new mandate from Saskatchewan people. Our immediate focus has been managing the ongoing pandemic. While we continue to respond to the evolving situation, we are working to find the right balance between keeping people safe and ensuring our economy does not stall. This has been a challenge as our COVID-19 transmission rates have risen, placing provincial health care resources under increasing strain.
We understand the virus better than we did in the spring and will continue to find ways for businesses and activities to operate safely. By now, those who can are working from home. Employers across our province are introducing new measures to ensure the safety of both their staff and patrons and our long-term care and personal care facilities have moved to compassionate visits only.
Our best defense against COVID-19 is to come together as a province and continue to wear our masks, physically distance, and stay home if feeling sick. We acknowledge and appreciate the sacrifices so many are making to ensure the safety of others and ask that everyone continue to do their part.
Additional public health measures have been introduced based on the transmission patterns to help reduce COVID-19 case numbers over the coming weeks. The new measures support our plan to slow down rather than shut down.
Mandatory Masking Expanded
Mandatory, non-medical mask use is now required in all indoor and public spaces across the province. Masking continues to be required in indoor public areas that have installed barriers. This includes all indoor fitness activities with aquatic activities being the only exception.
All students, employees and visitors in all schools are required to wear a mask. While children between the ages of 0-2 are not required to wear a mask, those between the ages of 3-12 are if they are able.
All employees and visitors are required to wear masks in common areas in businesses and workplaces, including those areas the public does not have access to. This now applies to provincial and municipal correctional facilities.
For more information on masking requirements, please visit www.saskatchewan.ca/masks.
Restaurants and Licensed Establishments
All restaurants and licensed establishments including bars, taverns and nightclubs are now limited to tables of no more than four people. Tables must have three metres between them or have an impermeable barrier between tables and maintain two metres distance between all tables.
Alcohol sales must end at 10 p.m. Restaurants and licensed establishments must also maintain guest and reservation information for all patrons to allow for contact tracing if required.
The maximum allowable size for private gatherings in the home remains at five. This includes all private dwellings including out buildings such as a garage or shed. It is still strongly encouraged that you do not gather with anyone outside of your immediate household.
Public venues supporting capacity of 150 people are now restricted to 30 people. This includes bingo halls, arenas, live theatres, and performing arts venues. For performance and gaming venues that offer food or beverage services, they must keep activities separate (i.e. cordoned off) from the food and beverage service. For all other indoor public gatherings such as banquets, conferences, weddings or funeral receptions, food and beverage service is prohibited.
All places of worship are also reduced to 30 people for all ceremonies including as weddings, funerals, or baptisms.
Sports, Fitness and Dance
All team/group competitions, recitals and games are suspended including amateur and recreational leagues.
Athletes and dancers under the age of 18 may continue training or conditioning in groups of eight or fewer while maintaining three metres of separation. Non-medical face masks must be worn. Only one group of eight or less can be on a training surface at a time.
Fitness activities and group fitness classes may train in groups of eight or fewer, for all ages. Mask use and three metres of physical distancing between participants must be maintained.
Malls and Retail
Retailers across Saskatchewan are providing important resources to the public during this pandemic. To support their work new measures are required. Retail businesses must enhance the expectation of mask use, provide hand sanitizer, and provide direction of foot traffic within stores. Signage and staff training should be provided to help inform the public of these new measures.
Large retail locations are required to limit their capacity to 50 per cent – or four square metres – of space per person, whichever is less. Large retail locations are defined as retailers with more than 20,000 square feet, and 50 per cent capacity is determined by half of the specified fire-code capacity.
The mandatory mask signage is found at www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19-posters.
These additional health measures, along with existing measures, will remain in effect until December 17, 2020. At that time, they will be reviewed by the provincial Chief Medical Health Officer. For further information on public health measures, contact tracing or general information, please visit www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19.
General public inquiries may be directed to COVID19@health.gov.sk.ca.
Constituency Assistant: Tina Knowles
PO Box 928
110 Elgin Street
Balcarres, SK
S0G 0C0
Phone: (306)-334-3444
Email: mla@traviskeisig.ca