Legislative Report
8 April 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic is not just a global health crisis, it is the biggest shock to the Saskatchewan, Canadian and world economies since the Second World War. This is a significant challenge that requires a significant response. Saskatchewan’s response can best be summarized in three words: Protect. Build. Grow.
The 2021-22 provincial budget protects the health and safety of our people and our economy, builds our province through investments in infrastructure to stimulate economic activity, grows Saskatchewan through various incentives and key investments, and delivers on 14 specific campaign commitments to make life more affordable.
The budget provides direct funding to fight COVID-19, record levels of investment in health, education, social services and assistance, while supporting the protection of persons and property.
Protecting Saskatchewan People
This budget will build Saskatchewan through capital investment, helping our economy, creating jobs and meeting people’s needs.
Building Saskatchewan Communities
This budget will grow Saskatchewan through key investments and incentives, and it will keep life affordable for families.
Growing Saskatchewan’s Economy
While our economy has fared better than most through the global health crisis, with continuing high levels of employment, the pandemic has still had a significant impact on the province's economy and finances. As a result, this year's deficit will be larger – $2.6 billion – and it will take longer to return to balance than we had anticipated.
Our government is committed to making the investments needed now to protect Saskatchewan people and drive a strong economic recovery as we emerge from the pandemic. We will manage carefully without reckless cuts or large tax increases that would threaten both our pandemic response and a strong recovery.
Throughout this pandemic, we have witnessed Saskatchewan's resolve, as our people made the sacrifices required to protect not only themselves, but also their families, friends, neighbours and co-workers. When this pandemic is over, we will witness Saskatchewan's resilience, as our economy recovers and grows, as businesses reopen and more people return to work, and as Saskatchewan recovers to be even stronger than before.
This year’s budget protects, builds, and grows Saskatchewan. It charts a clear course for our province through the pandemic and into the strong recovery that will follow.
You can learn more at saskatchewan.ca/budget.
Constituency Assistant: Tina Knowles
PO Box 928
110 Elgin Street
Balcarres, SK
S0G 0C0
Phone: (306)-334-3444
Email: mla@traviskeisig.ca